Friday, December 23, 2011

Season's Greetings from the 4FRNT staff.

Here is our holiday card from 4FRNT HQ. You can see all the kooky people I work with. Great bunch of people.

Front Row: Left to Right: Cody Barnhill (Product Developer), Phil Herbert (Brand Manager), Malika Vaucher (International Brand Assistant) Back Row: Left to Right: Dan Burwell (Production Assistant), Jeremy Handly (Skier Services/Logistics), Randolph Green (Sales Manager), Bret Wydysh (Production Assistant) Austin Ramaley (Team/Film Manager), Matt Sterbenz (Founder/Owner), Misti River (Accounting), Mike White (Events Marketing), Paul Yih (Creative Director)

Monday, December 19, 2011

This puts thing into perspective

Egyptian military imposing their will on the defenseless. I hope the people come out victorious. I'm thankful that we live in democracy...even with its flaws.

Smog Lake City

Friday, December 9, 2011

4FRNT/Saga Sign

After several months of phone calls our sign is finally going in. check it out! I'll post a pic once its fully operational.

Desktop Images

I thought I'd share my current desktop images on my work computer. I'm running dual monitors. Found these cool images on National Geographic's website. The first one is of NYC and the other is of Dubai.

Monday, December 5, 2011

My view

If you've ever wondered where I spend most my days. Here it is. It's usually planted behind these two monitors. Screen space is key!